Headbangers crash into Mike ‘n Molly’s

In the wake of the Metal fest that recently hit Canopy Club, some metal heads got their acts together to put on a show at Mike and Molly’s on August 1. Roller and Judy Powder will be opening for Bang76 in a show that can be nothing short of epic.
With Roller’s head banging speed combined with Judy Powder’s metal tact, coming early should be a must for any metal fan. Judy Powder will rip a quick thrash out then calm you down with a distorted lullaby to crash right into a speed demon of a song. Bang76 in all their old English Judge costumes should clean up nicely for the night with their classic vocals and dirty guitar. Bang76 is full of everything metal lovers want in a metal band along with some of the longest double bass drum fills I’ve heard in a while. These local bands will bring something not seen so often in Champaign, a kick in the face of a metal concert.

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