Lewis Del Mar – Lewis Del Mar (Review)

Lewis Del Mar’s self-titled album is the new and unique sound alternative fans have been waiting for. Since the release of their four-song EP and “Loud(y)”, which hit number one on Hype Machine, Lewis Del Mar has been finding their spot in many different genres. The detailed instrumentals backing up the strong, pent-up aggression of singer and guitarist Danny Miller’s vocals creates a distinctive mix which could be qualified anywhere from alternative to indie, folk-rock, and even bluegrass. Their use of layered instruments, acoustic guitar leads, and almost islandic drumming creates a complex sound. The duo even uses tuning of a guitar as a bridge in “H.D.L”, distinct creativity I haven’t seen of many bands recently.


Drummer Max Harwood’s production of the songs on of the album, which was released October 7th, is something to recognize. The buildup may not be what you expected, but somehow the duo creates a storyline that pulls you into the depth of the song – both melodically and lyrically. The album takes you on a trip of passion, aggression, and of course, love and happiness. Lewis Del Mar does not shy away from their poetic nature, sporting lines like “You got a semi-automatic mouth, go easy now” in “Loud(y)” and “In the streets without the street lights, and no power lines, I am electric” in “Puerto Cabezas, NI”.


“Tap Water Drinking” is one of the more aggressive and passionate songs off the album; a beautiful mix of emotion and, simply stated, thirst. The storyline is one of the most interesting, bringing you through the thoughts of a man who wants a girl for one night, even though she has a boyfriend. He feels no guilt, saying in the first verse “A tap from the Caribbean, forbidden fruit’s in season… you know I am cheating, but I can’t feel guilty in the Mojave” meaning how the girl is beautiful, toxic, and already taken; but the Mojave desert represents his thirst, therefore alluding to the title. “Tap Water Drinking” displays one of the only electric guitar solos on the album and a striking boldness compared to the regularity of acoustic guitar heard throughout Lewis Del Mar’s songs.


Within the aggression and anger, of course there is love and happiness mixed throughout. “Painting (Masterpiece)” tells of a couple that decided to paint their boring-white world and create a colorful work of art for their time being. The end of the album brings your spirits up as well, leaving you feeling content and ready for a second run through. Believe me, I have no idea how many times I’ve already listened to Lewis Del Mar’s debut. If you’re looking for a new listening experience with beats that take you on a trip, make you feel emotion, and lyrics that open up your mind, then Lewis Del Mar is for you.


Rating: WPGU

Songs to listen to: Loud(y), 14 Faces, Puerto Cabezas NI, Tap Water Drinking, H.D.L.


About Alex Anderson

(Assistant Program Director)

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