Songs for Ennui playlist

Spring is beautiful. That mounting load of homework? Not so much. It’s hard to plow through those last two chapters or write that essay or do that lab report or practice that speech or study for that final or fill out applications for internships or do anything with a sky that blue. Summer break, where are you?

Spotify offers large selections of both study and chill playlists, but neither of these quite capture that post-spring break listlessness. That it’s-too-nice-out-to-open-the-nth-blank-Word-document-but-I-haven’t-quite-given-up-on-graduating-yet mood. You know the one.

The following playlist contains tracks that straddle the line between ennui and the pressure to perform. Represented genres range from punk rock to pop; listeners should find the selection fairly even-keeled.

If you can’t afford to check out in organic chemistry, you may as well suffer with a musical accompaniment.

About Natalie Sarris

Natalie studies English and Creative Writing. Some of her favorite things include fat books, fat cats and drinking copious amounts of tea. When not suffering from caffeine-induced mistakes, Natalie likes to play her records or roam the internet for new artists.

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