Summertime Playlist

I think I may be the only person on this earth that really enjoys extremely hot weather. I love summer and everything that comes with it, hot weather included. To fit this love of mine, I’ve made a playlist that includes some of my favorite songs, ones that make me happy just like how summer does. Most of the songs are calm and laid-back, somewhat like how summer can be for people.

Use this playlist while you relax this summer, or use it to make yourself happier if you’re distraught with the hot weather to come.

About Maggie Knoll

If Maggie isn't writing about music or talking about music, she's probably dead. Just kidding. In her spare time, Maggie collects albums, lint rolls dog hair off of all of her belongings or recreates the one SNL sketch where Kristen Wiig has tiny plastic doll hands. Don't worry, she can make it weirder!

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