The Hurly-Burly

The Hurly-Burly
Running in misty hills in fancy sweatpants + one of the first hardcore punk bands = apparently a very bad combination for Dischord Records, a record label very much known for their do-it-yourself stance and anti-big-cooperation disposition. Giant athletic label Nike used basically the same template for Minor Threat’s complete discography, which features a bald man sitting on the steps of a porch with his head in his arms, the background of the cover red. The only difference between this cover and the Nike ad would be the color (which is now blue) and the Nike swoosh on the shoes. Oh, and instead of Minor Threat? Major Threat. Same font. Oh, Nike. You funny people over there. A representative from Dischord told a Pitchfork Media journalist, “No, they stole it and we’re not happy about it. Nike is a giant corporation which is attempting to manipulate the alternative skate culture to create an even wider demand for their already ubiquitous brand. Nike represents just about the antithesis of what Dischord stands for and it makes me sick to my stomach to think they are using this explicit imagery to fool kids into thinking that the general ethos of this label, and Minor Threat in particular, can somehow be linked to Nike’s mission. It’s disgusting.”

What the hell? (Moment of the week)
Lindsay Lohan wants to shop while she drives. Responding to a question posed by MTV News regarding what superpowers she would wish her car to have, she said, “Some kind of system where I could go shopping while driving. It could be very dangerous, but I think it’d be great.” We are shocked and dismayed that you wouldn’t want a full-service ice cream bar in your car, Lindsay. Shocked. Or that world-peace-mobile that I hear is pretty awesome.

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