TLC The Video Hits

Something I’ve noticed over the past few years: my generation loves the ’90s. Hell, why not? We have many things to be proud of: Flava Flav, parachute pants, Seinfeld, Nickelodeon at its finest and grrrrreat (oh yeah, that’s a Tony the Tiger reference) music. Whenever I hear a song via the wispy, poppy voice of the lead singer of the Cardigans, my mind goes into ’90s mode and all homework, bills and whatever, is blocked out.

So flashbacks – let us flashback to a few weeks ago when I received none other than Now and Forever: TLC The Video Hits (cue lights, cue applause) in the mail. Worth purchasing? Hell yes. Worth purchasing to the average person, probably not, but renting? That’s another resonating hell yes.

The DVD contains 10 glorious videos starting from their 1992 album, Oooooooh … On the TLC Tip, that is complete with condom accessories like Left Eye’s condom glasses and flashing messages supporting safe sex. The clothes, oh the clothes, and the rapping and the graffiti is simply breathtaking (and by breathtaking, I mean I’m laughing and enjoying myself silly to the point I have to leave the room to take a breath). The 10 videos also flow through CrazySexyCool (ahem, ” … and so I Creep”) and Fanmail.

The DVD is a perfect, “This party is missing something” accessory. I’ve already brought it to three. Each time a few partiers had a shaky welcoming/accepting attitude, but by the time “Waterfalls” hit the screen, I wasn’t the only one groovin’ my thang and having a good time.

So why now? The DVD is in honor of Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes who passed away in a car accident in 2002. During the month of June, look out for a series of shows on the ole’ tele that document the last month or so of her life.

On a happier note, the TLC legacy lives on in this DVD. Songs like “Red Light Special,” “No Scrubs” and “Diggin’ on You” can really get my heart fluttering in excitement. Yet still, “Creep” and “Waterfalls” will always steal my heart.

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