
1. Name five bands or musicians that you would want at your show?
With such a deep and rich local music scene of bands that I respect and admire, I’d like the Tractor Kings, Living Blue, Beauty Shop, Har Mar Superstar and Bjîrk at every single show I play.

2. Analog or Digital?
Digi, because I’ve never seen a gadget key chain pet from Japan that runs on tape.

3. Where would rather play: Air Force base or opening for a puppet show?
Already did the Air Force base in high school…(for real- Absinthe Blind played at the Scott A.F.B. ). It’d be puppets all the way, though: they are really easy to get along with and usually very professional.

4. Why should anyone come to your show?
Why not?

5. Is Larry Gates (of Lorenzo Goetz) the sexiest man on earth?
I certainly see his appeal, but I’m more of a Jess Greenlee kind of a guy.

Headlights appears with bands too numerous to mention at the Local Cookout this Saturday at the Canopy Club in Urbana. Tickets are $5, or $8 after 9pm that night.

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