Numbers Playlist

After Childish Gambino’s new album came out, which featured more than half of the song titles as timestamps, I realized that there are a lot of songs with only numbers in the title. This seems to be a relatively new thing to do, but there are also some older songs that have this too. Why? For some it makes sense, like Logic’s “1-800-273-8225” or Mac Miller’s “2009” but for most I could not find a motive other than that it’s a year, a time, or the number is in the song, usually in the chorus. Anyways, here is a playlist with song titles only featuring numbers, no words allowed.

About Ryan Flynn

Ryan Flynn is a freshman in Industrial Engineering raised in Naperville, Illinois. In his free time, he loves to listen to music, draw, and wait for Kanye to release his latest album. If not on land he’s in the pool, his second home.

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