Ben Did Not Fold

The only things the crowd at Foellinger Auditorium had to complain about during the Ben Folds show Tuesday night were sore feet and the warm temperature in the upper balconies.

Opener Ben Lee could not have been more right when he began the show with the lyrics, “Let the music come.”

And the music came.

Ben Folds rocked the sold out auditorium that remained on its feet for nearly the entire show. Fans seemed to hang off of every word and note that came from Folds and embraced both loved and unfamiliar tunes.

His set featured old favorites like “Zac and Sara” and “The Same” as well as more recent tunes including “There’s Always Someone Cooler than You” and “All U Can Eat.”

“It’s really easy to remember an event and make it rhyme,” said Folds, who writes most of his music based off of real life events.

The louder Folds banged on his piano, the more the crowd loved it. After a series of favorites nearing the end of his set including “Army,” he finished his set with “Rockin’ The Suburbs” to a very satisfied audience.

After a solid minute of praise, Folds and his crew of bass player, drummer and tambourine player returned for a two song encore. The show concluded with Folds directing the crowd in three-part harmony for “The Same.”

As more people filed out of Foellinger after the show than after any given lecture, the chatter of loving fans showed that the show was a success.

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